CLICK HERE to view the guestbook from 04/21/1997 to 08/14/2007.
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 |  Sandy & David from San Antonio |  |  |  |  |  What an entertainer you are! My Mother who lives in SC, still talks about you and your show. Amazing personality to bring into your show & energy
Stand up history? You are very good
You must look at almost everything, as a possible prop or addition to your show, quite an imagination. Also would wager you can entertain yourself indefinitely.
Best Regards,
Sandy and David

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 |  Eliziebetiano from Brooklyn, NY |  |  |  |  |  Sir Bil
Greetings from the North.
No worries on the ride...your talent was enough ride to take us home safely
Thank you for everything and you were of the best nights Share and I had and we will both remember it ..always.
Keep in touch and All the Best

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 |  Ida Marie Higgins from Philly |  |  |  |  |  Bil-it was so good to hear from you and I wish that your shows were near Philly. Let me know if you ever come this way. At any rate Lori and I had such a good time at ESE and your show was fabulous--especially those instances of personalizing your songs! Thank you for sharing your talent. I hope to see you at ESE next year.
Ida Marie
Ida Marie Higgins
Director of Sales
Eastern Technology Council

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 |  David Cornett from Kosovo |  |  |  |  |  Hey Bill,
See your schedule is full again this year. Im still in Kosovo. I miss those hug a bald guy nights hahahaah. Hope all is well with you. Drop me a line everynow and then and say hello and hey how about dedicate a song for me in your show. That would give me the best feeling of home. Hope to see you and hang out when I return. If you see Brian tell him I said hello and tell everyone else I send a hello from Kosovo to them.
Best regards,
(the bald guy) hahahah

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 |  denise |  |  |  |  |  Hey Bil! it was great to meet you through my friend Brian in Boston!!! I had a blast!! I'm bringing my sister to your party in Mass but I definitely need to plan a trip to key west!!! love ya!! see you soon!!

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 |  The Kelseys from Northport, NY |  |  |  |  |  Bil – you are an incredibly talented musician and a fabulous performer with an engaging style and endless repertoire. Thank you for your friendship, which we will cherish, and for a time in Key West that we will never forget.
‘til November, our friend…
Love always, Michele and Kevin

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 |  Judy Humphries |  |  |  |  |  Bil - Porter did die in October, 2007 - but I think he WAS with us at Catch 22 Friday night - if you look at his official website, the similarities are amazing! We LOVED you as always - and Pike was a great sport to have a chicken taped to his head! See you on the 20th of June (but we'll see you at the beach before then!) Deputy Dawg's mom

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 |  Genie Frick |  |  |  |  |  The lake wylie girls loved being with you (four of us for 2 nights) and I especially appreciate the Bob Seeger song at the end of the show on Tuesday. It is my favorite! We are back in Lake Wylie and will be working with our social committee at the club to see if we can get you here. Thanks again

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 |  John from Surfside Beach, SC |  |  |  |  |  Bil
Thank you so much for doing our rehearsal dinner. You were really a success. I think all of the people at the party came up to me at the wedding and told me how much they enjoyed themselves, and where did I ever find you, how much they enjoyed your type of entertainment and where could they hear you. I told them I had you out on the work release program and they would have to get themselves put into CCI to see you again. I think most of them only answered back, "Oh Really". At any rate, thanks again. If I can ever help you, please let me know.

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 |  Judy from Syracuse, NY |  |  |  |  |  Hi Bil,
We saw your show at Irish Kevins in Key West back in January when we stopped there on a cruise and was truly a highlight of our vacation. I'm sure you probably don't remember us but we had probably 25 or 30 of us that ended up in Irish Kevin's because of you.
We all belong to a social organization here in Syracuse NY called the Syracuse Turners. We are having one of our major fundraisers on the 14th and 15th of November with a big saurbraten dinner and we have entertainment both nights. It's kind of like a casino night.
I'm writing to you to see if you would be available that night or even if we could afford to have you play for us that night. We enjoyed your show so much I figured what the heck why not try!!!
Even if you can't make it on the 15th, some of us are talking about getting to your annual staff party because that's only a few hours from us. You are a very gifted entertainer!
If you could get back to me, I would truly appreciate it!
Thank you,
Judy Bacon

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 |  Rob & Michelle |  |  |  |  |  Bil, it was wonderful to see you in has been a few years....we had forgotten just how crazy you are and how much fun we have watching you perform. We were at the marathon the next day...hoping to see you run by...we were at the top of Heartbreak Hill... probably missed you by only a few minutes. We were bummed not to be able to cheer you on. Congrats on completing the Boston Marathon and in such good time. I don't know how you did your show after the race, but you are the man! Thanks for the note - would love to make the staff party. -R&M

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 |  Ron Ott |  |  |  |  |  Another season with Bil Krauss. Can't get much better. We'll be with you on quite a few nights during the season.
Ron & Doris

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 |  Meredith Miller from Indiana |  |  |  |  |  Hi Bil,
I know it’s a little early to be asking about this, but I’m doing it anyway! My roommates and I saw you last September in Myrtle Beach and loved the show. (You taped us to our table)
We are going on a two-year road trip starting in September and would love to see the show again. Do you know when the “staff” party will be this year? Also, when will you be in Key West?
Have a great day!

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 |  Peter Huey |  |  |  |  |  Hi, Bil. I'm Kristen's brother Peter from the Cape (in MA) and I just wanted to congratulate you on yesterday's excellence!     Walter has told me a lot of splendid things about you, and I hope to meet you someday.
All The Best, Please Keep In Touch, With Peace To You, My Friend,
Peter Huey

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 |  Amy Paster |  |  |  |  |  Congratulations on Boston!
3:39:46 is excellent. You were running in the same pack as a friend of mine from State College who was running for Team CVIM

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 |  Ronda Custance |  |  |  |  |  You bring us smiles, Thanks! Good luck in Boston. Best R, p.s cousin it says "she is sparticus" VISIT ME AT

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 |  justin from boston |  |  |  |  |  What a blast it was at Irish Kevins-- all us from toyota had a blast that day including the on you dubbed "cheech." I will definitely be at your Boston show--- thanks for a great time.

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 |  Tim from New Jersey |  |  |  |  |  WOW, we had a ball at Irish Kevin's in Key West. The only down side was we had to go back to the cruise ship. We even joked that we should just stay, the heck with the rest of the cruise. Our group of 5 was from 11 to 82 years old and we ALL loved your show. A blast and not offensive or threating in any way. (Some other "entertainters" dont get that they are being jerks) A great musician and vocal talent as well. On the ship strangers came up to me and said, hey weren't you "Jersey" from Irish Kevin's. They made a point of how much fun they had too. Your not just hype, you are a ton of fun. I'll have to figure a way to get you to do a stop in NJ. You could even handle a Jersey crowd! LOL.
Keep up the great work and good luck with the Marathon.

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 |  MATT AVERY |  |  |  |  |  Mr. Bil, Thanks for bringing actual TALENT to our little island of Key West. On top of being a great entertainer, you are a wonderful person, and that means so much. Keep smilin'...keep up the good work, and keep making people happy. You do it well! Matt Avery/Key West

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 |  Peg |  |  |  |  |  Hey Bil....thanks again for a great time in Key West! I hope we get to see you again.
Will you come back to the Albany, NY area? We're going to try to make it to your staff party in November.

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